BEGINNING OF 2019....We have sold our South Jordan Home and have purchased a permanent home here in St. George. It has been a grueling experience but hope to be settled soon. We sold our home on Dec. 12th and moved on the 15th. Hoping for a good 2019 year of better health and better financial goals.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
More Fun Summer of 2020
Tatum was afraid she would not be able to do snow angels since moving to St. George. So I took her to Snow Canyon and we did SAND Angels. Now she wants to go every day.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Getting caught up to Sept. 2020
My Friend , MAROLYN MILLS CONDIE, from X-ray school a million years ago came to St. George and Took me to The Show, "Joseph Technicolor Coat of many colors." I feel bad we didn't even get one picture of us. She visited and we caught up right where we left off so many years ago. We reconnected while we both worked at the Riverton Hospital, She in Mammo an Me in Instacare/Kidscare.
Another Friend who has been such a blessing is Claudia Kriepal who has become my CHEMO Buddy. We started on the same day with the same Chemo Drugs. We got to be good friends and it has continued. She lives in IVINS and have enjoyed the relationship of her and her husband John.
More adventures with this little hiker who is a joy to be around. We love having these Family members close. Also , Tom and Mollie have moved down here too. Or will be when they organize their other 4 homes. they are constantly on the go.
Continuation of pictures catch up 2020
I have received Flowers, cards, treats, and love and prayers from so many people. I am totally overwhelmed and grateful for the support. LOVE TO ALL!!!
our Friends newborn Triplet girls. Kami Made them hats and booties, Gwyn, Claire and Lucy.Tatum's Kindergarten graduation
Flowers sent to me from WenDee Russon who has always been such a dear Friend

Devastating sudden death of our Dear Friend Janelle Bartlome' who we knew from our Glenmoor 4th ward. She died suddenly from a brain bleed on July 10th 2020 and I still cannot believe she is gone. Leaving behind her husband and 4 boys age 19, 16, 14, and 12 . SOOOOO Sad. I love this lady so much.
Abbi and kids at the cemetery where Mom and Dad are buried.
Misc. pictures Not previously included 2020
I may be doing duplicates and same stories. I haven't been able to load pictures on my blog so, sorry if these few months are messed up.
On May 2nd When we Went up North and Kami Shaved my head ... Hello Baldness. Looking back, I have actually enjoyed how simple it has made my life.Kortney is such an amazing Mom, Wife, Daughter, Her school put this sign in her yardOur Denmark Friends we still keep in touch with and Love, Marianne and Jens'ola
oldest grandson Wyatt with Girl friend JoLee
Connor's 13th birthday May 2nd, the day my head got shaved.
Newly shaved Chemo Head. My hair started falling out like crazy right before my 2nd treatment.
First of all, We have been dealing with Covid and of course, my Chemo and Cancer treatment since April to July29. I have now finished Chemo and feel like a new person. I am feeling better and better every day. I will now only need Labs to monitor my Cancer markers, I really feel I can put this Cancer time behind me and I am so grateful for all the blessings and miracles in my life.
My Dear husband has been there every minute for me. I have had so many friends new and old there for me. I feel so much healthier than I have for ages. Probably even before I was Diagnosed.
Pictures from July, Aug, 2020
I took her to the July 4th St. George Parade and she found snails to play with.
Tatum playing at Nana's It is so nice to see her and Connor on more of a regular basis.
This is the doll that Kortney insisted she did not have at her house. HAHAHA Look what she found. I'm just glad she has been found because I thought i'd lost her.
As of July of 2020, Kami and her family have moved down to St. George and we are so excited!!! Tatum and I go on adventures every time we can.
This is a house on some property in Oklahoma that Cody and Kortney bought, besides the one they have been redoing from the studs out. Can't wait to go to Oklahoma and see their other life and soon to be more permanent home. Since they have bought into a Napa Store.
Flowers that Gayle and Paul Neuenshwander sent to us. Gayle has been so sweet to be there in every way. She came to the hotel we were staying the day after my Surgery in March with goodies. She has sent me treats and much encouragement. She is such a dear friend since High School.
Catch up pictures April, May and June 2020
Mom Told made this cradle and baby doll
Cody's Leg injury while working on their Oklahoma home. He makes me so nervous how like a Bull in a China Cabinet he is. IT healed remarkably well without anything but Kortney's medical treatment.
I painted these for our patio wall . They were originally stepping stones at our DIXIE DOWNS 135 Garden, Now they have been repurposed for our Vista Ridge Home.
Our little windmill palm we have named, "Milly"
Last few pictures of me with hair like I used to have
Carol Kartchner gave us this beautiful Easter Lily
I have received so many cards and well wishes while going through all my health issues and Chemo , surgeries etc. etc. so grateful for all the support, prayers and love that We have felt.
Retired Life Begins
My man and me

our family