Saturday, April 11, 2020

April 8th 2020

I can't seem to load pictures on . This has happened before and I don't know why.

Anyway more of my continuing health saga.  Which is actually another miracle along the way.

Wed. of this week I got horrible pain, nausea , vomiting . called my oncologist , he said to go to ER.  They did a scan and saw my ureter was blocked.  Had to have surgery to unblock it and put a stent in. The pain went away after 12 hrs. of horrendous misery  that pain meds wouldn't even touch.  I think i must have passed a stone but they didn't every see stones on the imaging. Stayed in the hospital until Friday Afternoon.

This would have happened again because it was a continuation of the kidney blockage that probably is why I got septic so they could find my ovarian Cancer and come to find out if this would have happened after I started Chemo, it could have been a problem.  They don't want to do surgery while my body is having chemo.  So by HEAVENLY intervention it was caught and taken care of the day before I was to start chemo.  So they pushed my Chemo start back a week or maybe this next Wednesday.

I testify that the LORD knows what we need and when even if it causes us terrible pain and suffering, he knows each one of us and our situations we are in.  AS I look back these past two months I can't believe the many blessings I have been given.  This last one so that I can have a healthy kidney to take on Chemo.   When the pain started, I'm thinking, " What is going on?" Im so sick and I haven't even begun Chemo.  Tender Mercies I can't express my gratitude enough and I was able to participate in the world wide Fast and enjoy this Easter Weekend .

I feel the whole world is praying together and fasting for relief from the horrible plague that has hit. I sure hope we can learn something from this and keep strong in faith and hope which our prophet has given so much encouragement to be prepared and move forward.

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